Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Jekyll-Hyde House

Still here... Sorry I haven't blogged in a while.

I've made some success in my cleaning endeavors, and some failures too. My biggest struggle now is just adjusting my expectations and schedule to fit with my work. I have a home bakery. It's become very busy recently and the house seems to take a hit every week that I have more than one or two orders. I have to figure out how it is possible to have young children, a house to keep clean and about 30 hours of work a week. How do women do this?

Some days my house is sweet and clean and I'm smiling to myself and thinking "Wow. I am so happy and proud that the house looks this good." and then other days: "oh my word. I would DIE if anyone walked in right now."

It's as though my home has split personalities. A complex disorder that creates an extremist reaction to me whenever I neglect it. My Jekyll-Hyde house. It's either clean and sweet and welcoming or a cluttered war zone and screaming for attention.

My rules that I posted previously are obviously NOT being kept on a regular basis. This is an issue for me any day that I have a lot of work with the bakery. I can barely keep the cake pans washed and the counter and mixer sanitized. Having to keep up on laundry, clutter throughout the house, bathrooms and beds made just doesn't happen when I'm up to my eyeballs in cupcakes. Out the door I run with a tiered wedding cake, leaving behind me a counter top buried in dishes, a cloud of flour still hanging in the air.

I have to find the BALANCE.

I'll let you know if I discover it. I'm off to tackle Mr. Hyde once again. He is threatening to bury me under the piles if I don't spend time with him. oye.